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APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates effective as of March 1, 2025. Fees may reduce earnings.

Kasasa Cash* Learn More

Account Balance Minimum Opening Deposit Dividend Rate APY
up to $25,000 $25 5.00% 5.12%
$25,000+ $25 0.20% 5.12% -1.18%
Qualifications not met NA 0.03% 0.03%

Qualifications: Enrollments must be in place and all of the following transactions and activities must post and settle to your Kasasa Cash account during each Monthly Qualification Cycle

  • At least 12 debit card purchases
  • Be enrolled in and log into online banking
  • Be enrolled in and have agreed to receive e-statements rather than paper statements
  • Maintain a valid email address on record with the credit union

Kasasa Saver* Learn More

Account Balance Minimum Opening Deposit Dividend Rate APY
Up to $100,000 $0 2.00% 2.02%
$100,000+ $0 1.00% 2.02% to 1.51%
Qualifications not met $0 0.03% 0.03%

Qualifications: Qualifying for your Kasasa Cash or Kasasa Cash Back rewards automatically qualifies you for the highest Kasasa Saver rate, too. Enrollments must be in place and all of the following transactions and activities must post and settle to your Kasasa Cash or Kasasa Cash Back account during each Monthly Qualification Cycle

  • At least 12 debit card purchases
  • Be enrolled in and log into online banking
  • Be enrolled in and agreed to receive e-statements rather than paper statements
  • Maintain a valid email address on record with credit union



Checking Accounts Learn More

Account Minimum Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Kasasa Cash Back* $0 0.00% 0.00%
Basic Checking $0 0.00% 0.00%
Direct Checking $0 0.03% 0.03%
Smart Checking (Youth) $0 0.00% 0.00%
Free Business Checking $0 0.00% 0.00%
Premium Business Checking $5,000 0.10% 0.10%
  • The Credit Union reserves the right to change the posted rates to reflect market conditions and other factors.
  • Fees may reduce earnings.
  • $5 is required to open savings account to obtain membership.
  • *Rewards checking account that offers Cash Back rewards when certain monthly qualifications are met.



Savings Accounts Learn More

Account Minimum Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Regular Savings $5.00 to earn interest 0.25% 0.25%
Regular Business Savings $5.00 0.25% 0.25%
Smart Savings (Youth) $5.00

5.00% on balances up to $500

0.15% on balances over $500

5.09% on balances up to $500

0.15% on balances over $500

Club Accounts $0.00 1.00% 1.00%

Money Market

$2,000 - $9,999

$2,000 0.70% 0.70%
Money Market

$10,000 - $24,999


$10,000 0.85% 0.85%
Money Market

$25,000 - over


$25,000 1.00% 1.00%
Premium Money Market

$50,000 - $99,999


$50,000 1.25% 1.26%
Premium Money Market

$100,000 - $249,999



1.50% 1.51%
Premium Money Market

$250,000 - over*


$250,000 1.75% 1.76%
  • The Credit Union reserves the right to change the posted rates to reflect market conditions and other factors.
  • Fees may reduce earnings.
  • $5 is required to open savings account to obtain membership.
  • *Funds on deposit over $250,000 may not be insured by NCUA

Certificates of Deposit Learn More

Certificate Term Minimum Deposit Interest Rate Annual Percentage yield
6 Month $500 4.00% 4.06%
12 Month** $500 4.00% 4.06%
24 Month** $500 3.00% 3.03%
36 Month $500 2.00% 2.01%
48 Month $500 2.00% 2.01%
60 Month $500 2.00% 2.01%
  • All certificates of deposit require a $500 minimum deposit.
  • Early withdrawal penalties may apply for all Certificates of Deposit /IRAs.
  • These rates are indications only.
  • The CU reserves the right to change the posted rates to reflect market conditions and other factors.
  • The APY column reflects the impact of compounding on annual basis and is required to be given under T-I-S.
  • **12 and 24 Month Certificates have a bump feature that allows for one bump in interest rate during the term of the CD. Promotional rates excluded.

Loans Learn More

Loan Lowest Annual Percentage Rate Highest Annual Percentage Rate

Kasasa Auto Loans-New

Purchase & Refinance

Internal Refinance







Kasasa Auto Loans-Used

Purchase & Refinance

Internal Refinance







Boat & RV Loans

New & Used, Purchase & Refinance. New Money Only.

7.75% 12.75%
Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 7.75% 12.75%

Kasasa Personal Loan

Up to $7,500

$7,501 to $15,000











Timeline Loan

Unsecured revolving line of credit; attached to checking

 9.50%   16.50%

Home Improvement Loan

up to $10,000

 8.50%   8.50%

Home Improvement Loan

up to $25,000

 9.00%  9.00%

Share Secured

 Call for Rate  Call for Rate

ITIN Lending

Call for additional Info
  • Loan based upon credit rating.
  • Rates subject to change without notice.
  • Rates subject to change based on term.
  • Please call for current rates and terms.
  • To refinance an existing NW Plus CU Loan, please call for rates.
  • 0.25% APR Reduction on New Electric/Hybrid Vehicles Loans. Other restrictions may apply.

Equity Loan Program Learn More

Term Note Rate APR Max LTV Loan Fee P&I Pmt Based on $100,000 
Equity Line of Credit - 20 Year Term          
HELOC - $100,000 Max 8.000% 8.093%  80%*  0.000%  ($836.44)
HELOC Plus - $100,000 Max 8.250% 8.414%  90%  0.500%  ($852.07)
HELOC Plus - $250,000 Max 8.750% 8.956%  90%  0.750%  ($883.71)
Closed End Equity - 15 Year Term          
Closed End Equity -$100,000 Max 7.750% 7.879%  80%*  0.500%  ($941.28)
Closed End Equity Plus - 20 Year Term          
Closed End Equity Plus - $100,000 Max 8.000%  8.151%  90%  0.750%  ($836.44)
Closed End Equity Plus - $250,000 Max 8.500%  8.692%  90%  0.750%  ($867.82)
  • All rates are subject to change without notice.
  • We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.
  • For additional rates, programs, and costs, please click here

*LTV Maximum - 80% of AVM or 80% of Appraisal

First Mortgage Fixed Rate Programs

Mortgage Program rates effective as of: 03/25/2025

Conventional Owner Occupied

Maximum Loan Amount $806,500

Term Note Rate APR Max LTV Loan Fee P&I Pmt Based on $100,000
30 Years 6.625% 6.746% 95% 0.500% ($640.31)
20 Year 6.375% 6.531% 95% 0.500% ($738.23)
15 Years 6.000% 6.190% 95% 0.500% ($843.86)
10 Years 5.875% 6.142% 95% 0.500% ($1,103.94)
30 Years USDA** 6.750% 6.872% 102% 0.500% ($648.60)

High Balance Owner Occupied

Maximum Loan Amount $1,037,300

Term Note Rate APR Max. LTV Loan Fee P&I Pmt Based on $100,000
30 Years 7.125% 7.251% 95% 0.500% ($673.72)
15 years 6.500% 6.696% 95% 0.500% ($871.11)
  • *All rates are subject to change without notice.
  • **Purchase & Refinance Existing USDA Only
  • We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.

First Mortgage Adjustable Rate Programs

Mortgage Program rates effective as of: 03/25/2025

Conventional - Owner Occupied

Maximum Loan Amount $850,000

3/1 ARM 6.250% 6.366% 95% 0.500% ($615.72)
5/1 ARM 6.375% 6.493% 95% 0.500%  ($623.87)
7/1 ARM 6.625% 6.755% 95% 0.500%  ($640.31)
30 Year Term Note Rate APR Max. LTV Loan Fee P&I Payment Based On $100,000

Welcome Home Loan: Primary Residence Purchase

Maximum Loan Amount $806,500**

5/1 ARM 6.375% 6.517% 100% 0.750% ($623.87)
7/1 ARM 6.625% 6.779% 100% 0.750% ($640.31)
30 Year Term Note Rate APR Max. LTV Loan Fee P&I Payment Based On $100,000

Adjustment Criteria:

Current Index: 1 YR T-Bill = 4.090%

NON5/1 1 Yr T-Bill 3.500% 2.000% 5.000% START RATE IS FLOOR RATE
ARM 3/1 1 Yr T-Bill 2.500% 2.000% 5.000%  
ARM 5/1 1 Yr T-Bill 2.500% 2.000% 5.000%  
ARM 7/1 1 Yr T-Bill 2.500% 2.000% 5.000%  
UP 1 Yr T-Bill 3.500% 2.000% 6.000% START RATE IS FLOOR RATE
Program No. Index Margin Annual Cap Life Cap  
  • *All rates are subject to change without notice.
  • We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.
  • ARM = Adjustable Rate Mortgage
  • **Except in Snohomish/King/Pierce County - Maximum Loan Amount $1,037,300

Other First Mortgage Programs

Mortgage Program rates effective as of: 03/25/2025

Non-Owner Occupied: Fixed and Adjustable Rates

Maximum Loan Amount* **

Term Note Rate APR Max. LTV Loan Fee P&I Pmt Based on $100,000
30 Years Fixed 7.375% 7.662% 85% 2.000% ($690.68)
30 Years 5/1 ARM 7.125% 7.406% 85% 2.000% ($673.72)

Land Purchase

Maximum Loan Amount $300,000

Term Note Rate APR Max. LTV Loan Fee P&I Pmt Based on $100,000
15 Years 7.000% 7.285% 75% 1.000% ($898.83)
20 Years 7.500% 7.736% 75% 1.000% ($805.59)
  • *All rates are subject to change without notice.
  • We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.
  • *Maximum Fixed Rate Loan Amount $766,550
  • **Maximum Adjustable Rate Loan Amount $850,000
  • ARM = Adjustable Rate Mortgage

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