NW Plus Credit Union Donates $20,000 to Housing Hope
By: Kirsten Andresen

address the housing insecurities in our communities. The people at Housing Hope are changing lives just as NW Plus hopes to change lives. We have mutual aspirations and, like NW Plus, they have made great strides in achieving success, but there is always more to do.”
The 2024 FHLB Member Impact Fund is a matching grant program that provides additional funding to strengthen communities in targeted areas. The program encourages partnerships between eligible organizations and member financial institutions to support affordable housing or community development. The FHLB Des Moines Member Impact Fund awarded nearly $9 Million in Matching Funds in 2024.
NW Plus Credit Union CEO Torrie Ramos and CFO Brian Walker joined Housing Hope’s CEO Donna Moulton and Senior Director of Resource Development, Marketing and Communications Joan Penney for a check presentation on Tuesday, November 26. Funds will be used for general operations, a critical need at the moment.
“Operations dollars are critical in making affordable housing sustainable in our community, said Joan Penny with Housing Hope. “It is a wonderful partner we have in NW Plus CU that they have supported us for many years in serving our community members in need. Thank you for this generous donation.”
About NW Plus Credit Union
Since 1939, NW Plus has provided financial services to the employees and family members of Frontier Communications formerly known as GTE and Verizon. Since then, it has expanded its charter to include anyone who lives, works, or worships in the State of Washington. NW Plus CU currently operates 6 branches located in Burlington, Everett, Marysville, Murphy’s Corner, Stanwood, Smokey Point. For more information, please visit: www.nwpluscu.com
About Housing Hope
Housing Hope owns and operates 601 affordable units at 24 locations throughout Snohomish County and has helped 328 households attain homeownership through their sweat equity Team HomeBuilding program. To learn more about Housing Hope, visit https://www.housinghope.org/about
About Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines
The Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines is deeply committed to strengthening communities, serving 13 states and three U.S Pacific territories as a member-owned cooperative. We work together with over 1,200 member institutions to support affordable housing, economic development and community improvement. FHLB Des Moines is one of 11 regional Banks that make up the Federal Home Loan Bank System. Members include community and commercial banks, credit unions, insurance companies, thrifts and community development financial institutions. FHLB Des Moines is wholly owned by its members and receives no taxpayer funding. For additional information about FHLB Des Moines, please visit www.fhlbdm.com.